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Re: Email Hack: Help.

> Hello Everyone,
> We've got a problem here with a hacker. There's some punk 
> apparently hacking a mail server somewhere and sending BS postings all over 
> the net regarding get rich quick schemes, etc - from a non-existent 
> account on our server. They've done it twice so far, from two different 
> non-existent accounts.
> In addition, the culprit is apparently from Canada (from one of the 
> mail-me-some-cash addresses contained in the get-rich-quick letter)...which 
> is a long drive, but not so long that I won't make it to solve this 
> problem if necessary.

I think we got one of these last week. They're sending mail with
incorrect headers. The local mail system is then filling in the blanks
and adding local info that makes it look like the message originated
from inside our domain.

Probably nothing to worry about.. just more junk email with junk
headers this time.

The rumor is that Jack Kevorkian has setup a Windows-NT users group.
